Sandra Wright
Wright's Paintings

D'ni artifacts

While exploring the D'ni Caverns, we were checking the rubble....and several things came to our attention.

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We traveled down this cleft, and into the depths of the world.
In the rubble we found different kinds of things.
I sketched some things and left them where I found them.
Others, I brought to the surface to keep near me.

I still travel to those deep caves, and when i go, I see many good friends there as well.

Leaf vase with blue interior.>

This is a pressing I did of a plan that looked like Queen Ann's lace to me.?

Teapots are so exciting to make.

teapot teapot teapot

teapot teapot teapot
coffe mugs

These came out of the cavern in different areas. The D'ni must have enjoyed something like our teas.

pitcher sugar bowl
These two were in what might have been a kitchen area. They have a fish scale pattern on them.

These are remarkably well preserved. I assumed they were ink wells.

I found these in the cavern..and drew them quickly to preserve the moment.

Discovered while exploring in D'ni cavern.

Sandra Wright

Wright's Paintings

This shirt we designed as a gift. A one of a kind item.
path of the shell shirt

All of the D'ni Artifacts are not for sale. They are for my own personal use. For information call (843) 893-8309
from 9:00am to 5:00pm est.

Or contact me by e-mail at:
Last updated July 31, 2020
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